Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Lol!! Today Kevin Bacon's brother Michael Bacon came to give us a lecture. I was so disappointed that it was not Kevin himself. Hehehe!!! Btw, he is the guy from "Hollow man" the movie
Write with no regret
7:35 am
Monday, March 27, 2006

Haha...Takeshi Takeshi Kaneshirooooo loooolll...
Ya...he is pretty good looking but I still do not really like him as such. Hmmm... But he is doubt. Perfect features. LOL!
Write with no regret
7:25 am
Sigh sad. Got so much on my mind now. Basically bloody homework. First is my script which i have to present and be embarressed in front of class. Second is this stupid documentary crap which i have to do. Sigh...its so hard to find a good subject especially if your teacher has such high expectations. And this teacher of mine is a BIATCH... and the most boring person in the entire world. Dunno why NYU hired her. She is a total fake suck up.
Another thing i have to worry about is my subject combination for next semester. I am going to meet my advisor soon to talk about this and i have nothing to show him. My advisor has like won an academy award this year for the animation category. Im so jealous. Im going to steal his oscar.
Write with no regret
7:25 am
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

my wonderful doggie!!! His name is Spectre....
Write with no regret
5:51 am

This is my gun. Used it many times in my movies and tv shows. Jealous?
Write with no regret
5:51 am

The picture with stuffs covered in white was taken when NYC was supposed to be having that bad blizzard so they say....But really it is not that bad.
The other is taken on NICE DAY.
Btw, These are captured from my bedroom. Lol...
Write with no regret
5:51 am

The picture with stuffs covered in white was taken when NYC was supposed to be having that bad blizzard so they say....But really it is not that bad.
The other is taken on NICE DAY.
Btw, These are captured from my bedroom. Lol...
Write with no regret
5:51 am
Last night we had Jeff Grace, music editor for the lord of the rings trilogy gave us a boring lecture...manz...wassup with these people? They always come in unprepared. Last last week, we had Tony Kushner...the guy who wrote the movie Munich (with eric bana) came to give us a lecture too...BOY! They are BORING! Tony came in unprepared too.Geez....if it is him...i can understand cuz he was prob busy preparing for his big academy award day (sadly he did not win tho). Ha! Wadeva! I have had enuff of these silly lectures..I mean its great all these cool hollywood dudes come to teach us and stuff but please...after seeing them for a few minutes,u realise u are better than them.
Today....we had the production manager of Bruce Willi's and Halle Berry come. His name is Harvey Waldman...He was not unprepared but sadly was OVER-PREPARED! Lol ....No wonder the movie he made..."The stepford wives" was a big flop. Sigh...However...they r nice people.
BUT PLS...PLEASE! I do not wanna go thru another pain of having to listen to them again.
Write with no regret
5:21 am
Monday, March 20, 2006
im goin crazy
Write with no regret
11:50 am
Best movie ever!
Write with no regret
10:44 am
Lol....One week of good life is more sleep late and get up more of just eat, play and sleep. Back to school it is.BIG BIG BOLLOCKS!!!!!! Curse school!
During this spring break...i managed to polish on my cookin skills - throwing in everything i could find in the fridge. Unfortunately....dunno why my food always comes out as salty as salt itself. No wonder all my hair dropping like flies.
During this break, i decided not to become a filmmaker anymore or whatever singer/ actress... I decided i should become a sniper. Shoot some ass. I also am joining the Manhattan Westside Pistol and rifle Range...polish up on my gun skills and make sure my own silver beretta M92 and desert eagle dun become rusty in my cupboard.
Sigh....U noe... How terrible the life of a movie maker is...just look at me. Pathetic. Live everyday i fear that i would not be able to find my actors or remember my bloody lines or whether my voice teacher would just strangle my throat and say im not to sing anymore or i would just kill her. being very random here...just writing what comes to mind u seee.....oh ya! And what is the deal with singapore idol? Huh Huh huh HuhHUHUhuhuhuhhuhuhuh HUH!?!?!?!? WTF!!!! All these pple are so shameless.....copy american idol and the contestants are like OMG! - cant sing...cant dance and no looks. Bah! Just another comedy reality show i suppose!?
Write with no regret
10:17 am
Monday, March 06, 2006

My Goodness! I just watched Undercover Love starring Dan Wu and Miriam Yeung..My goodness....could not stop laughing! I love em manz!
BTW, listen to music by Il Divo...freaking nice!!! (well if you have good taste in music that is)
Write with no regret
2:35 pm

Aren't I retarted? Took these while I was waiting for my laundry to be done...Blurry images..well...pretty good job esp. for a cell phone camera.Lol!
Write with no regret
2:35 pm