Friday, January 26, 2007
Wow...have not been blogging for a long time. Guess I have no inspiration or perhaps...yea...i admit am being lazy.
Yepperz, Im back in NYC, the freezer. Its s cold over here, i think i just need to hang my groceries outside the window, get some free refrigeration. I love the cold though, well...sometimes at least. It makes me feel clean. None of that hot, sweaty humid yucky feeling. But of course, since I have to walk and take the bus to school, it is not exactly all that pleasant. Brrrr......
Anyway, yesterday I could not resist doing the dummest thing ever. Eating pancakes fried in butter kills my throat everytime I eat it but I could not resist and had it yesterday and Im down with a horrible sore throat and fever. CRAP! The worst thing is that I cannot skip classes to rest though I really want to because once I miss a language class, Im in trouble. fever is making me feel all floaty and weird. I think I would crash early tonight. Its feels good to be back blogging. I need to let things out and the problem with me is that Im not a verbal person. Some how I always get word jam....The only way to get things out is through writing. No pressure I guess...hahaha
Write with no regret
5:49 am
Friday, January 12, 2007

Spicy version
This one was littered with kimchi! Oishi!

Non spicy version
Write with no regret
11:01 pm

Today grandparents and parents went for a dinner with my granddad's business partner's son and family. I said I did not wanna go so left home with my youngest bro and childhood friend, Darren! Hahahah....We decided to make Korean dishes...oh well at least try to.
It was a fun experience making the noodles with kimchi and all. After that, we used the table tennis table in the media room as a dining table as we watched crappy superman returns. The noodles turned out better than expected! I was happy with it.

Darren decorating the noodles. Hahaha!
Write with no regret
10:47 pm
Monday, January 08, 2007

The pond! Over the years, me and my dad handpicked the kois and imported them over from japan. I love em very much as I grew up with some of them...Before my dog came along...they helped me get through a lot of stressful periods. Am grateful to them
Write with no regret
5:19 pm
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Household moments....
The my own place of inspiration.
I decorated it with pictures of cars and movie well as pics of food.

Erm...sorry another tilted pic. I stuck a pic of some really delicious lookin drink on the seat. lookin good eh...

Part of out front garden. Behind the pillar is our indoor pond.

My room and my electone (electric organ)

I was on the phone with my aunt when i took this. Behind me is my collection of cars. The nissan skyline on the upper most deck was built by me piece by piece. I also painted the body. It was a pain building it but the hard work paid off...Its hell of a fast little car.
Write with no regret
11:19 pm

display of wine leading to the restrooms
Continuation of the pictures from the dinner at Equinox...Yep...That's how the best part of Singapore looks like.

The two bluish domes are the esplanade where theatre shows take place. Supposed to be shaped after durians that building...

Singapore's CBD and boat quay...

Sorry another tilted pict...
Write with no regret
10:59 pm
Last night...we had dinner with my mother's business associates. We went to the Equinox which is situated on the highest level of the tallest building (a hotel) in Singapore. When we got there, we were given a little private corner which was separated from the rest of the other tables by splendid curtains. Not to mention..the view was breath taking!

Our dinner table, curtains and the view.

Our dinner table and my mum on the right waiting for the guests to arrive.

Beautiful pink roses on the table...

The toilet had splendid dressing room...

This is the starter i ordered...Beef tenderloin. It was brilliant.

The view as I stood on the edge...
Write with no regret
7:51 pm

Meet my crazy yet cute dog, Spectre... See he is winking at you...cute!

His noble face....Lol!

watashi to inu!

Watashi no otootosan(younger brother) to inu! Kawaii ne!
Look at spectre's face...irresistable!

brotherly love...hmmm
Write with no regret
7:34 pm

I took a few pictures with my phone during the short Hong Kong trip. Nothing very much...there will be more and better pictures coming up, just waiting for my brother to send them ( guess he never will...hahahaah)
This is a a little view of Hong Kong. (taken through the window of a shopping mall)

Inside the subway specially designed to take people to disney land. I thought the mickey mouse windows were a bit ....erm...nevermind..

A display in the disney train. It looked like chocolate...maybe i was just hungry.
Sorry its tilted. it should be upright

Me at the disney land toilet. I liked the toilets there...clean and has nice music playing...
Sorry I have a thing for toilets.
Write with no regret
6:42 pm
Monday, January 01, 2007
Today I, toegther with my family attended two New Year functions. The first was a dinner and the second, a simple countdown party.
The last day of 2006 went by really slowly for me just like the rest of the days. Dinner was boring...We had it with some family friends and I was not feeling all that comfortable so stuck mainly to my bros as usual. Feeling moody too...
The countdown party was horrifyingly, terribly, extremely, unbearably bad!!!! Know why? Cuz the whole time, people were singing Karaoke. I mean thats fine...I enjoy watching people sing karaoke but not when they sing like toads and frogs with a humongous sore throat! There were even some pompous dudes who thought they were the best singers in the whole world and tried showing off though I thought they were basically screaming all the time. These people need to chill. Already 50 - 60 plus years old...shouldn't they know how to be considerate. LOL! Sorry Im being mean here....bad mood kicking in again.
Oh yea! I have got picts taken randomly over the Hong Kong trip. Gonna upload it soon. And Oh! People, dont ever take Cathay Pacific Airlines. When we were going to HK, we were delayed for 7 hours and when returning to Singapore, we were delayed for 2 hours. Its retarded...simply bad!
Write with no regret
3:46 am
These days ...bad mood for no reason. Lol...Feel frustrated inside but don't know why. Just got back from Hong Kong few days ago. Had a great time there being with grandparents.
We spent the whole four days shopping and eating. - Even got to go to Disneyland for the second time. It was childish but enjoyable in a way. My mum and I bought clothes as I wanted to revamp my closet. Need to add more lady like stuffs inside....know wad i mean? Hahahaha....
What I miss most about Hong Kong is the fried fish skin. It is so delicious esp. when you dip it in soup! Waaaaaa....totemo oishi desu!
Write with no regret
3:42 am