Friday, March 23, 2007
Blessed from AboveI have been hurt on and off in the Past
Wondering if what I have with you is moving a bit too Fast
I feel comfort in your Embrace
The warmth in your Intoxicating Kiss
With each electrifying Touch you make my Heart Race
To be with You is like an eternal Bliss
But I question our Fate...
Are we destined to be Soul Mates?
I knew at First Sight I had been struck with Cupid's Dart
Right then I knew you were the Key to my Heart
I surrendered my All to You, hoping you won't Tear it All Apart
I want YOU, need You in my Life
I feel the Security when I'm in you Arms
The assurance that you bring me no Harm
Love the Flattery of your Charms
You make my Smile reach my Eyes
I pray each night what we have is not a Lie
Our attraction toward each other is Undeniable
The Passion between Us is Unbelievable
What we share is at loss for words, its Unexplainable
You taught me how to give my Love Away
We'll always Be, I refuse to have it any Other Way
Just the thought of being without You causes such Agonizing Pain
It would be too unbearable, it'll drive me Insane
The days that had once came with Sunshine would then come of Rain
I'll always be by your Side
Now you know I'm that Chick to Ride or Die
That phrase, "I Love You"
Those were the words you spoke from your Lips that were so True
And you know I feel the same about you Too
If this is how it Feels to be in Love
Then I know WE have been Truly Blessed from Above!!!
Write with no regret
9:30 am
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some pictures from London. Got like 100 waiting for em to be sent to me. Hehehehehe...
Write with no regret
11:38 am
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Just flew into NYC from London last night. Due to the long flight and time difference, I was totally exhausted. Sigh...It feels a little strange to be in NYC now. I must admit I had a really great time in England. Unfortunately as I did not have much time, I could not travel to the northern bit to visit the place where I was born.
Nevertheless, had a great time in Winchester and London city with my brother. Know why? NO PARENTAL GUIDANCE. Hehehehehehe.....
On the second day, me and bro headed down to London via train to submit his university application documents. That was pretty fun. After subimission, we headed to Leicester Sq. and ate lunch/dinner at this restaurant called Angus Steak House. I had Pepper steak and bro had some other kind of steak. Then, while we walked towards the tube, we came across the red carpet premiere for 300! It was so exciting!Sadly we had to rush back to Winchester so my bro can be in time for his house's meeting.
During the third day of arrival, I hung out in Winchester's High Street shopping while my bro was at school. But you know the shopping was not got me but for other people. :p I must say the stuffs in Winchester are super uber expensive. I mean buying the food there is worth it cuz the quality is superb but things like clothes and stuff did not feel worth the cash I was forking out.
Write with no regret
7:13 am
Sunday, March 11, 2007
One of the things I hate the most is guys bugging me even after I showed no interest. That is what I call no respect.
Some people think I should feel very flattered but that's BS. It is nothing more than annoyance and some irritating bug that has to learn when to stop. Its not just direspect to me but others too.
Write with no regret
5:18 am
Friday, March 02, 2007
And to add on to the post about doctors. I mean I do not have anything against them as such. Some of them are really nice people.
Last friday after having my throat checked, I received counselling for depression from a really caring doctor. After which, he kind of knew I was not telling him the roots of my problems and gave me all sorts of information about counselling serices which I could go for.
Yea....bottomline is doctors can be very nice. But I still dont wanna see one. HAHAHA
Write with no regret
8:40 am

Finally something to laugh over after my depressing posts. Lol...
Write with no regret
8:40 am
Let's drink till all troubles/ worries are forgotten! Hahahahahahaha....Oh dear....I have gone mad!
Write with no regret
8:40 am
If I were to br hurt and feel pain, how would you people feel? Would you care?
So many people die each day. And yet we do not know about it, we do not care... it wont be an exception in my case.
Write with no regret
8:40 am
Im so scared....really scared.... Dunno what is happening to me. If only I did not have to worry about it, Life would be so great now.
Write with no regret
8:40 am
Being a daughter of a doctor and coming from a family in the medical line, isn't it weird that I have a great phobia of doctors, needles, surgery etc. ...Its not just phobia but GREAT phobia. Seriously...
Its almost like as though I get a panic attack just knowing that I have to visit a doctor even though I know it would not be a painful experience. Though doctors are there to help, they are still the scariest lot of people in my opinion.
I used to tell myself and am still telling myself this actually that I would rather die than see a doctor, have an injection or undergo surgery. Just let life take its
Write with no regret
8:40 am