Saturday, November 18, 2006

Daily Quibbles

Just now I was walking along pier usual weekly routine of throwing the "stones" on my mind back into the sea when I came across a group of fishermen. They very brave....dare to fish in an area with many signs that say "no fishing in this area".

Lol....As I was watching them fish as well as the breath taking scenery of course, I suddenly realised this dark figure on the second level of the pier watching these fishermen. When I turned to look at the dark figure, I realised it was some security officer in that area. The fishermen were doomed I thought. But after awhile, he disappeared without stopping these people from fishing. So weird..... Wad are rules for? EH?

Anyway....I went to a more remote area of the pier cuz I wanted some peace and quiet when this elderly foreign couple came up to me and said ," Want some company?" I sorta jumped! haha
Then they said," U should not be alone. Where are you from? why are you alone?"
I explained that I lived around the area and just came for a walk. Then they said," You should not be alone. Do you have friends? Bring your partner. U must have a partner!"
I just laughed....Partner? I aint got no partner. Lol . They were so sweet. I really appreciated that. :-) Made me smile. I needed that.


Before all that, i had an art class today. I was like searching for my drawing board and paper when I realised they were stolen. I was so angry. Then came the bad mood.

What made me feel worse was that the teacher made us draw human skeletons. Thats like so effing disgusting. I am super uber sensitive about human body parts. I lose my appetite from seeing these things. Imagine having to draw and face a human skeleton for 3 and a half hours. Waaaaaa....I almost died.
As you can imagine, my drawing did not turn out very well. Not my fault. Blame it on the thief and the skeleton. Bet the teacher was disappointed! Lol...

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