Saturday, June 02, 2007

WAAA...Last night I slept through like a pig for 10 hours straight. Can't believe that I was so freaking tired.

Sigh....ya yesterday I felt so dead and depressed. Some things from reality suddenly just hit me like that and I realised that there were a lot of things that I have been keeping inside. All this while, I kept telling myself that I can get used to it and it's no big deal. But it hit me pretty hard yesterday. I guess I am just another selfish person who just wants a normal and ideal life.

Anyway, on the plane from Osaka to Singapore. My mum was reading the newspaper and said," wah recently so many people drowning in the reservoir. Always got people drown there."

i said ,"ya..the reservoir is haunted you know. That's probably why."

I think there is some truth to the fact that the reservoir is indeed plagued by some unexplainable unearthly forces. A lot of strange things have been seen there including tombs that come from no where situated right along the waters.

I think people should just stay away from these places. I guess some idiots asked for it!

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